Gone worldseeing 2

Coastal highway race

Oct 12 2018 - Oct 19 2018
7909 km

We somehow got it into our heads to make it to Ho Chi Minh City in 8 days, for no particular reason. Oh right, there’s Pokémon Go community day on saturday. Pure coincidence.

The terrible heat made this a really tough challenge!

Our new setup, lighter than ever:

Cemetery in the dunes:

School’s out!

Finally, some rain!

Coconut stop!

Asian highway 1!

More coconuts!

DIY or die!

Coffee break:

Delicious lunch:

Steep hills in midday heat:

Rewarding views on the way down:

Coconut stop:

The chicken got some coconut too:

Amazing view from the hammock:

More coffee:

More food:

Sunrise in the harbour:

During the hottest time of the day, we had to take breaks every 5km. Luckily, there were relaxed coffee places everywhere:

Fresh coconut water with ice, sugar and a pinch of salt. Also, more coffee!

Tasteful hotel art, again:

Dragon fruit plantation:

Yo dawgs!

Huge dragon fruit plantation: