Gone worldseeing 2

The mountains of Yunnan

Aug 15 2018 - Aug 17 2018
5327 km

About 400km and many mountain passes left until we reach Kunming, the capital of Yunnan.

Starting into the mountains, early in the morning:

Tobacco plantations:

Luckily, this stretch of very bad road was only a few kilometers:

The expressway right next to us is almost completely flat through tunnels and over bridges. It’s not allowed to cycle it though:

Drying Sichuan pepper:

Just climbed another mountain pass:

Nice people offering help at the roadside:

This climb was extremely steep:

The last mountain pass of the day!

Strawberry fields:

Waiting for the rain to pass:


Fixing a flat in the morning:

Cigarette claw game:

Booyah! 20km of rolling downhill with amazing mountain views:

Attention, police!